
 Highlandtown Routine Drone Inspection in April

From BGE External Affairs Manager - Eastern Baltimore City, Government & External Affairs

Faviola Donato-Galindo (

Good afternoon,

I hope all is well. I am reaching out to make sure that you are aware that BGE will be performing proactive routine drone inspections in the Highlandtown neighborhood. As you know, last year we upgraded electric equipment in the community to improve reliability. 

During the month of April 2021, crew members from BGE's Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) team will be flying drones in your area to inspect overhead electric equipment for any issues that could potentially cause outages in the future. Maintenance concerns identified by our UAS crew will be addressed as quickly and safely as possible. We expect any needed repairs to be routine and we will notify you in advance of any follow-up work that requires temporary disruptions to your electric service or area parking/traffic. 

I am attaching the letter (Eng/Spa) that has been mailed to residents as well as two maps of the equipment and the areas that will be inspected. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me should you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you, Faviola