The highlight of the City’s fall clean and green opportunities will be the Mayor’s Fall Cleanup. This citywide day of cleaning is a time for communities, civic organizations and businesses to join together to clear out litter and debris by cleaning sidewalks, alleys, yards, vacant lots, and tree pits.
The Mayor’s Fall Cleanup is scheduled from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 27. To participate, residents should organize volunteers and then register their cleanup by calling 311. Please provide the cleanup location(s) and the anticipated numbers of participants when calling to sign up. Registered communities will receive bags to help with their cleanup efforts. DPW will provide cleanup debris removal.
Participants in the Mayor’s Fall Cleanup can earn $10 in credits toward their stormwater fee. Certificates and forms for the stormwater credit can be picked up by registrants when they come to collect bags for their cleanups.