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Thursday (7/3) Trash and Recycling Pickup will occur on July 6th

Baltimore Trash Cans.jpg


Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW) Director Rudolph S. Chow, P.E., reminds everyone that Independence Day, Thursday, July 4, is a City holiday. DPW offices and yards will be CLOSED.

  • Trash and recycling collections that normally take place on Thursday will NOT occur.Makeup collections will take place on Saturday, July 6.

  • Citizen drop-off centers will be CLOSED (all yards, including Quarantine Road Landfill, the Northwest Transfer Station, and the Eastern, Western, and Northwest Collections Facilities).

  • Mechanical street sweeping will NOT take place. Street sweeping parking restrictions will NOT be in effect.

  • Parking meters will NOT be in effect.

Have a safe Independence Day, and please remember, swimming is not allowed in our reservoirs.