Governor Hogan Intern Leadership Program
The Governor’s Intern Leadership Program engages Maryland’s brightest students by integrating training from the classroom with practical and real-life work experience based on the students’ interests and abilities. This program is crafted to provide a unique, hands-on experience where students can develop rapport with their office of placement while gaining valuable understanding of state government.
Students seeking an internship must:
Currently enrolled in an Associate, Undergraduate, Graduate, or Law Program
Maintain a 3.0 Grade Point Average
Be able and will to work at least 16-20 hour/week during the Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:00pm work week
Students who live in Maryland and/or are attending schools in Maryland and are receiving college credit are given priority consideration.
Please complete the online application. In addition to a completed application please submit a cover letter describing your interest in pursuing an internship, as well as your future and career goals. A resume and 2 references. One reference letter from a teacher or professor and a personal recommendation letter that is not from a family member.
Please see above application website for application deadlines. Applications may be accepted after deadlines, but do limit your chance for being considered.
The internship coordinator will review the applications, complete phone interviews, and place applicants in offices throughout the administration.
The program is year-round; it lasts 10 weeks during the summer and throughout the fall and/or spring semesters.
Interns are expected to work at least 16 hours per week, though exceptions may be made when class schedules are involved.
Once a month there may be an organized activity for the interns to attend as a group.
Contact the Internship Coordinator for deadlines to apply.
The placement of interns depends on the individual student’s interests and the needs of the supervisors from the given offices listed.
Candidates will be notified of their acceptance at least three weeks prior to start date. The specific number of internships available in the administration shall be pre-determined each semester based on need. Interns shall be asked, as part of the application process, to rank their top three potential office placement choices. After acceptance into the Governor Intern leadership program, all interns must undergo orientation. At Orientation we will review The Office of the Governor Policies and Procedures. Interns may not start work until Orientation has been completed.
Our internship program is year round. During the Spring and Fall interns are expected to work at least 16 hours per week. For summer internships please visit the Governor’s Summer Internship Program for details.
Spring 2019 (January –April) application deadline December 31, 2018
Summer- (May-August) Please visit for details on the Governor’s Summer Internship Program.
Fall 2019 (September-December) application deadline August 1, 2019.
Appointments: Organized in 1967 within the Office of the Governor, the Appointments Office assists the Governor in appointing over 600 statewide and local boards and commissions, judgeships, and cabinet positions. Tasks for an intern in this office may include: assisting in preparing appointment certificates for appointees; monitoring appointees’ compliance in taking the required oath; notifying appointees, appropriate agencies, and officials about appointments; contacting prospective candidates to fill out applications for appointment consideration; and assisting the office staff as needed.
Community Initiatives: The Governor’s Office of Community Initiatives coordinates community and volunteer service activities across Maryland; develops and coordinates Governor Larry Hogan’s policy agenda affecting community programs and initiatives; and advises Governor Hogan on policies to enhance and improve the delivery of community and volunteer services.
Deputy Chiefs of Staff
Constituent Services Office: The Constituent Services Office receives and responds to the Governor’s mail, e-mail, and phone calls from constituents. Interns in this office may be asked to assist in drafting, editing, and sending correspondence to the public.
Office of Performance Improvement: Created by Executive Order on October 9, 2015, this office is the primary vehicle to improve the efficiency of Maryland agencies through transparency and accountability. This office evaluates agencies year-round; facilitates collaboration between agencies to improve performance; focuses on eliminating duplication, fraud, and waste by improving business processes throughout agencies; holds agencies accountable for implementing audit recommendations; and publishes information on the progress state agencies make in meeting their goals. Interns in this office assist with gathering and analyzing performance data, and contributing as needed with other tasks in the office.
Office for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Policy Office
Public Affairs Office
Legislative Office
Office of Small, Minority and Women Business Affairs
Communications Office
Washington, D.C. Office
To apply fill out this form.
Gaye Adams
Director Executive Services
Office of the Governor
100 State Circle
Annapolis, MD 21401
410-260-3905 (office)