When a homeowner wants to make changes to their home, they need to apply to the city for a permit. If the address is in Highlandtown, Highlandtown Community Association (HCA) is notified. Residents must present their project plans to HCA for a letter of recommendation. With the increasing number of requests for third floor additions and roof-top decks, we have adopted the following requirements in order to preserve the historic character of Highlandtown.
- Building height should be no greater than the buildings adjoining it.
- Rear additions and additions on top of existing additions should be no greater in height or dimension than additions on adjoining buildings. Flexibility may be considered only if agreeable to adjoining neighbors.
- No new dwelling units should be added without provisions for off-street parking spaces. Two parking spaces per unit is the minimum requirement.
- Existing precedent does not apply. Existing construction not in accordance with these neighborhood standards will not be considered as precedent for proposed construction.
- Submit an impact statement including drawings at least 45 days in advance of zoning appeal with scale drawings of proposed plans and elevations. For more info on zoning, please visit http://www.baltimorecity.gov/government/planning/images/rehab-additions.pdf.
- Roof decks and their access structures should be set back from the front wall of the building so they are not visible by a person standing on the sidewalk directly across the street. Structures should not be more than 75 square feet in size.
- Exterior building materials should be historically compatible on walls facing a named street.
- New curb cuts will be opposed on all streets with on-street parking.
- Building demolition should be the last resort only.